

Since the Club's inception, we have endeavoured to maintain a high standard of musicianship. We believe participating in Awards & Competitions goes a long way to facilitate this, as do our regular Workshops.

We also recognise the important contribution other clubs in and around our region make.

The many achievements of our Members at various awards throughout New Zealand and overseas, reflects this endeavour and is something Silverpeaks Country Music Club wishes to continue.

South Island Country Music Competitions

This is the current information we have. Please contact them directly to confirm dates of the event and close of entries.

(Click on a name to go to a web page)

      Name Town 
Date             Contact      
Cromwell Country Music Club  
Cromwell January Nancy Murdock
03 455 0419
Bronc Busters Invercargill  
May Glen Country Music Club
PO Box 1785
03 217 9502
Sun City Music Nelson March Bruce Weaver
03 544 0790
021 214 0353
Southern Alps Timaru Easter Andrew Nelson
03 684 7847
027 369 9247
Best of the West Buller May Alan Whitnell
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
NZ Gold Guitar Gore King's Birthday This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Whitestone Oamaru October Bill Wilde
03 434 7615


©2025 Silverpeaks Country Music Club Inc
All rights reserved